Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Window Shopping Wednesday: Apartment Style - Décor

I'm alllmost finished moving all my stuff into the apt (and by almost I mean I pretty much have to be out by this weekend so I'm in wrap up mode with all the tiny things left).  While I unpack and organize, I can't help but daydream about all the little décor items I want to add to my room.  

I'm definitely having a gold moment lately.  If you follow me on instagram you'll see I painted gold stripes in my room and oddly enough I fell for all of these décor items in gold.  Go figure.
 photo Decorfaves_zps2350129e.jpg
Top Row: Waiting on Martha, Furbish Studio
Middle Row: Etsy, C. Wonder
Bottom: Waiting on Martha

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1 comment:

  1. I have gold moments allll the time! Thanks for including WOM, doll! Good luck with the move and unpacking. xo Big Hugs @ Waiting on Martha


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