Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Week: Fashion, Food, Fitness

When I set out to make goals for this year I ultimately wanted to create a better balance in my life. Before, I was focusing too much on going out to eat, spending too much money on silly things and being too lazy (but really. I was hardly ever going to the gym I signed up for in November - it was pathetic). This also translated to focusing more on quality versus quantity when it came to my wardrobe.

So far this year I've done a pretty good job of keeping with all of these and to continue to hold myself accountable, I'd like to share my weekly progress with you. And keep you looped into the "behind the scenes" of my life :).

Without further adieu, this week I...

Hit the gym 4 times (twice before work!).

Made this chicken salad recipe for lunch - I'm pretty convinced I'd starve if it wasn't for Pinterest.

Got a new couch! And am debating adding a bar cart to the living room line up...

Went on a ski trip with Jen to Hunter Mountain - I was pleasantly surprised considering everything I've heard about East Coast skiing.

Indulged in a Baked by Butterfield red velvet donut...

Cleaned out my closet a little and started my spring wishlist.

Pushed the envelope a little and wore my new LuLu's jumpsuit to work.

How was your week?

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