Friday, January 4, 2013

TGIF: Gone Fishing

Original photo credit (I added the frame and text)

Not really but close :).  Just a quick note to apologize for my absence this week and maybe for the better part of next week.  Since getting back from vacation I'm totally refocused on my purpose of being in NYC and I'm taking a little step back to get things done.  I love blogging so much and part of my new year's goals is to make it better than ever but I need a little time to re-group.  A little #ripvacation time if you will.

I hope you all had a wonderful NYE and have a wonderful weekend!  I'll be back soon, I promise!

Loving The Right Shoes? Follow me on InstagramTwitter and Bloglovin'!


  1. We'll be here when you return, enjoy the time off.

  2. Good luck with the regroup :) Hope you're having a great start to 2013 Tracy!

    1. Thanks Katie!! It went pretty well! Can't wait to get together soon!


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